Man, these are funny. Like, extremely funny. Because they’re true.
I know it’s easy to pile on those darn millennials, but some of the grief they get from all sides IS their fault.
These merit badges for millennials created by Myka Fox are hilarious. See for yourself.
And if you happen to be a millennial and you get offended by these, lighten up…
1. You did it!
2. Whoa…
3. I mean…
4. You’re the best worker…ever.
5. Is that possible?
6. Now we’re talking!
7. But…how?
8. You got this
9. All the way through, too!
10. Take a breather
11. What?!?!
12. Achievement = Huge
13. Made eye contact! With a human!
14. “Majority”
15. It was a struggle
Great work, young people!