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These Dogs Are Protesting for Justice… and They’re Also Very Cute

©Unsplash,Romain V

Fight the power!

You can tell just by looking at them that these dogs are fighting the good fight on the streets of America with their owners (presumably).

Dogs sporting signs have become a common sight at the protests that have been making headlines all across the nation and, not only are they supporting the cause…they’re freakin’ adorable!

Let’s meet some of the pooches that are standing side-by-side with protesters in cities across the country.

1. That’s the message.

Demanding justice NOW.

2. In this together.

All different colors, united.

3. Heck ’em all!

We’re with you!

4. Black Lives Matter.

Wearing that shirt with pride.

5. A good point.

Taking it to the streets.

6. It needs to end now.

And this pooch knows it.

7. Silence is violence.

Which side are you on?

8. Say her name.

And say the names of the others, too.

9. How can you argue with this?

Good boys and girls!

10. Fighting police brutality.

And doing a great job!

11. Bite the power!

Chuck D would be proud.

12. A meeting of the minds.

All kinds of folks are uniting for this.

I love those pics!

They make my soul feel all warm and fuzzy.

Now we’d like to hear from the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us if you’ve been to any protests where you live and how they are going.

Also, please share some photos if you have them. Pics with dogs at protests are a huge bonus!

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