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These Cats Are Definitely NOT Helping Finish These Puzzles

©Wikimedia Commons

Cats are supposed to be our little helpers, right? Our faithful companions that will always stick by our sides and do whatever we say, right?

Oh, wait, never mind.

I was thinking of dogs.

Cats are actually the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I was just talking about.

They like to constantly mess with us and throw our lives into chaos whenever they can.

Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together when your cat was around? I can tell you it’s not a pretty picture…and here’s the proof…

1. The last piece of the puzzle.

Hoarding it for herself.

2. This one won’t even let them start.

Looks pretty angry to me.

3. You can’t stop her.

She’ll find a way to ruin your fun.

4. OH NO!

The look on her face says it all.

5. This is my table now…and also my puzzle.

You just have to let this one go.

6. Really? You took over the whole box?

That is NOT COOL.

7. A week of work down the drain.

This kitty does not give AF.

8. What a stinker.

Definitely plays by her own rules.

9. The crash heard ’round the world.

Look what you did!

10. Haha. Good luck with that.

This is one cat who is not messing around.

11. Yes, they are.

She’s almost out of patience.

12. Well, don’t eat it!

Now you’re in trouble!

13. You were THIS close…

And now all that time was wasted…

Those pictures really crack me up because they are so true to life.

Cats…always trying to mess everything up!

Do you have any funny photos of your kitties getting in the way and making your tasks even harder?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to meet these little rascals!

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