I’m not really telling you anything you don’t already know, but cats can be…well ,*ssholes.

Yes, we love them and they are our beloved companions, but they can still be major jerks a lot of times.

Hey, I’m just calling it like I see it…

And these funny signs that people had to make because their cats wouldn’t stop misbehaving is just more proof that these creatures are really on thin ice with us…let’s take a look.

1. They sure are clever, aren’t they?

Good thing you saw the sign.

I was just about to feed them when I looked up and saw this sign from my housemate
byu/merryhappyhedgehog inaww

2. I love the look on his face.

He’s a real adventurer.

This cat is not lost, he’s just awesome
byu/some_guy_in_se_pdx inPortland

3. Do not disturb.

Unless you want to get scratched.

The sign says “Attention. Cat’s sleeping. Do not disturb!”
byu/Bergfried incats

4. Beware of the ninja cat.

Skilled in the art of killing.

“Missing” cat sign near Yonge and Eglinton
byu/oldrustybucket intoronto

5. Ready to go for a swim?

Not anymore, you’re not!

My cats like to lay in the toilet water. So, I made a sign reminding my roommates to put the toilet lid down. Of course I had to paint to the likeness of each cat. 😍🥰 The paw prints are spotted because of my first cat (bottom left).
byu/OpenFaith incats

6. This cat is not backing down.

He’ll get in one way or another. You can bet on it.

This amazing sign on a village hall I visited recently! Found it rather hilarious.
byu/_Glade incats

7. This is his domain.

And he’s proud to be an *sshole.

I love how he sleeps right below that sign
byu/Jay690045 incats

8. These owners have had it!

Isn’t this great?

9. Cat on drugs.

You don’t see that every day.

10. Crooks and liars.

They look like some shady individuals.

I see these cats every day on my way to the bus stop. Today this sign appeared….
byu/tatianafelix infunny

11. She looks pretty upset.

Who can blame her?

My Girlfriend’s Cat wasn’t too happy with the new sign I put up.
byu/steveisblah inpics

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us about your misbehaving cats and what you have to do to discipline them.

Please and thank you!