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The “Mentally, I’m Here” Meme Is Quite Popular. And Pretty Relatable.

Can this year get any worse?

Actually, I shouldn’t say that out loud, just in case I accidentally jinx or curse the universe and things do indeed get worse…

So I’ll just keep my mouth shut.

But, while we wait for the world to get back to whatever “normal” was before the pandemic hit, we need to stay inside, keep our social distance, and daydream about a world that seems so far away…

That’s why these “Mentally, I’m Here” memes are so popular right now. People offered them up to let folks know where they’re transporting themselves to in their brains to escape this total sh*tstorm that we’re living through.

Some aren’t always positive, but some are…I guess it just depends on the person…

Let’s take a look at them!

1. With a nice companion.

A relaxing bike ride is in order.

2. You’re not alone!

I think a lot of people are probably there.

3. Nothing wrong with that.

Nothing at all…

4. That’s pretty nuts.

There’s always a group out there like that.

5. Are you enjoying yourself?

In your mind, I mean…

6. Looks pretty fun.

A nice jaunt in the woods.

7. It’s party time!

Let’s hope we can do this again sooner than later.

8. Here come the waterworks.

That didn’t go very well…

9. You do you.

And don’t let anyone give you any grief for it!

10. It’s just all static up there.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

11. I don’t think you’re alone.

We’re living in a horror show.

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us what your “Mentally, I’m Here” meme would look like.

And remember to stay safe out there, wear a mask, and stay healthy so we can get back to normal ASAP!

Please and thank you!

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