A word to the wise: don’t ever, ever wear red to Target.
Shoppers will think you work there and you’ll spend your entire time in the store answering questions instead of buying a new shower curtain and some motor oil.
You might even get bothered by actual Target employees who think you’re one of their co-workers.
However you look at it, it’s not a good idea. Here are some folks who learned this lesson the hard way.
1. Is it really fun?
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2. Good work, new employee
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5. You can’t hide behind those
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6. Don’t ever do it again
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7. You idiot!
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8. I need to speak to your manager
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9. A bad combo
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10. At least you’re moving up quickly
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11. F*cked up
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12. Devin Hayes merch
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13. You do look like one, dude
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. Never again