Any there any ladies out there looking for a BURST of inspiration?!?

Well, you’re in luck! Because these stock photos are gonna show you exactly how you can be a strong feminist.


Who knew there was an actual step-by-step guide? I sure didn’t…

1. That’ll show ’em

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

2. Dumbbells

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless


3. If you can

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

4. As many folders as you can handle

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

5. Exhausted


Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

6. This happens ALL THE TIME

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

7. Power tools

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless


8. Try it out

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

9. Sky high

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

10. To every meeting if possible


Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

11. That works, too

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

12. Looks normal

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless


13. Don’t move, though

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

14. Close to the edge

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

15. That’s the most important one


Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

Now go out there and show ’em how it’s done, ladies!
