We’ve covered the work of comedian Jeff Wysaki, aka Obvious Plant, before. He’s a prankster who’s been making the Internet laugh for years. But unlike pranksters of the Candid Camera/Tom Green variety, his pranks aren’t based on interpersonal reactions. Obvious Plant’s shenanigans are much more stealthy. He comes up with absurd fake products, signs, flyers, and practically anything else, and then leaves them in the world for unsuspecting strangers to find.
And now, he’s got a brand new batch of nonsense! It’s the holiday season right now, and that means people are buying toys by the truckload. And that’s why Obvious Plant decided to have some fun and sneak a bunch of ridiculous fake toys into stores.
Scroll down and check out 15 completely crazy toys guaranteed to disappoint any youngster. And if you’re toy shopping, remember to stay on your toes. (via Bored Panda)
1. Covered In Spiders Man

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
2. Please Take My Baby

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
3. Pre-Cracked Egg

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
4. Stabby Patch Kids

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
5. Donatello’s Crying Tree

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
6. R2-Steve-2

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
7. Stop Hitting Yourself!

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
8. A much more realistic supervillain.

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
10. Small Talk: The Video Game

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
11. The USA Doctor Dress-Up Kit

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
12. The Revengers

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
13. Trick-Or-Treat Batman

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
14. Weird Dogs

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
15. Burn Down A Chili’s

Photo Credit: Obvious Plant
h/t: Bored Panda