This is such a cool story…and I think it’s safe to say that this man and woman can be called a “Power Couple.”

Air Force Majors Lauren and Mark Olme fly B-1 Lancer bombers and in November 2022, they flew above the Nevada desert…and Lauren was 19 weeks pregnant at the time.


Lauren said, “I looked over my shoulder and gave him a little wave before I peeled off to go back and land.” She added that she didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to fit into the cockpit due to her pregnancy.

Lauren also said, “Flying in formation with my husband, going super-sonic together while I carried our child is something I’ll never forget.”

Photo Credit: Facebook,Lauren Olme

And proud husband Mark said, “Looking over and knowing that I’m following my wife and baby around in that other airplane beside me was just . . . awesome. I was so proud of her.”

Lauren and Mark are both products of the U.S. Air Force Weapons School, which is the Air Force’s version of Top Gun.


The two both work as flight instructors at Dyess Air Force base in Texas and Lauren was able to fly during her second trimester of pregnancy due to a new Air Force policy.

She said, “You’re always working toward being the best and I didn’t want to fall behind. The Olme’s baby-to-be has flown more than 9 hours and has flown faster than the speed of sound.

The couple met while attending the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and they were married in 2012.

Lauren said she’ll be back at work after she has the baby and completes her 12-week maternity leave.


Now we want to hear from you.

Have you seen any positive and wholesome stories online lately?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

And share some links with us, please!

