
News Standards And Ethics Guide

Awkward’s mission is to enrich the lives of others by providing fun and interesting ways to learn about the world. This page describes our standards and codes of ethics our writers and team follow.

Sourcing And Fact-Checking

Fact-checking is expected to be accurate, and editors are expected to research before publishing. Additional accurate information can always be added after publishing.


We strive to embed first Instagram images and tweets and not to upload. In cases where identifying the user is inappropriate but the content is still newsworthy, screenshots with the name and image blurred are fine.

Information and Facts

Information should come from a verified source. We do not solely rely on Wikipedia, IMDb, and other websites that anyone can edit. We believe that acceptable verified sources include interviews, legal documents, research by experts, academic journals, databases, and, with attribution, stories from trusted news organizations.


Nothing may be copied, pasted, and passed off as one’s own work, including press releases.


Stories that are ongoing with breaking news can be updated with information as it becomes available with a timestamp for updates. Writers should provide clarity and context to the articles. We always strive for clarity and transparency in the spirit of being accurate and reliable.