Remember at the beginning of this year when you couldn’t wait to get going and really take on 2020? This was gonna be a great year and the start of a wonderful new decade, remember?

I know I do…

And we know what’s happened since January…

Everything came to an abrupt halt in the middle of March and since then we’ve been living in a new reality that is disturbing and very concerning.

And, because of that, people have been taking to Twitter to share photos from the beginning of 2020 that showed how blissfully unaware they (and all of us) really were…

I guess you never know when your life will be turned completely upside down, so it’s best to enjoy it while you can…

Let’s take a look at these tweets from folks who are remembering the good old days…

1. Everything’s great!

Little did we know.

2. A classic.

Totally unaware.

3. He looks happy!

For now…

4. He’s about to get whacked!

Look out, Tommy! For you young folks, this is from Goodfellas.

5. She’s now a hardened veteran.

Used to be so innocent…

6. A storm is coming…

But you didn’t know that yet…

7. Here’s a two-fer.

The hills are alive…oh, wait…

8. Those were the days…

Remember when?

9. When we could still be around each other.

I really miss this…

10. You looked happy back then…

Also, pass the Cheese Balls.

11. A great-looking duo!

We were all blissfully unaware.

12. We’ll get back to smiling and adventuring soon!

Stay safe out there!

Okay, now I’m depressed…

But now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us how 2020 ended up working out for you…and tell us what you ORIGINALLY had planned for this crazy year.

We’d love to hear from you!