We all know that our pets are incredibly loyal, and we’re not only talking about the way they feel about us humans.

They also tend to be very loyal to their favorite toys. Some cats and dogs even have a toy that they carry with them throughout their entire lives.


And how sweet is that?!?!

I think dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, and all the rest of the animals we take into our homes feel comforted by familiar things, and they sure seem to love a squeaky toy or a bone that brings them a lot of peace and enjoyment.

Pet owners shared a bunch of photos of their buddies with their favorite toys and it is really wholesome. Let’s take a look.

1. Awwwww. The toy needs to eat.

Isn’t that cute?


My cat carries his toy with him all over the house. I just went out in the kitchen and saw this. Apparently he thought it was hungry too.
byu/neonlexicon incats

2. Not gonna hurt this one.

Also, I LOVE this dog.

4 years later, she has ripped up hundreds of toys, but she refuses to hurt her Dino.
byu/a7xxx inaww


3. Standing guard over his toys.

He’s not going anywhere without them.

My mum washed all the dogs toys. And now he wont come in the house without them.
byu/Azura_BlackHeart inaww


4. His favorite ghost toy.

What a good boy!

Twenty year old Mister with his favourite ghost toy!
byu/grandparadise inaww

5. Sorry this one took so long.


But now you have a new best friend.

For 13 years, he has tried to catch a squirrel to no avail. I just bought him a plush one and the poor deprived dog has been carrying it around with him everywhere ALL DAY and snuggling with it. Sorry it took me so long buddy . . .
byu/visceralharmony inaww

6. I think he likes it, too.

Furrball Whiskey for the win!


My cat with his catnip toy bottle of “Furrball Whiskey” that he got for his birthday. I think he likes it!
byu/Oddling_82 inaww

7. Through the years.

This is nice and wholesome.

A good boy growing up with his favorite toy
byu/commonvanilla inaww


8. Maybe he thinks it’s his brother.

They do look pretty similar.

Sleeping baby corgi with his toy
byu/ninlooq inaww


9. Her favorite toy.

After all these years.

All these years later and it’s still her favourite toy
byu/BeefJyrkii inaww

10. He does tricks, too!


He can do it all!

He came in to the thrift store with his toy and then his owner asked him do a trick for my photo! Made my day <3
byu/Moose930 inaww

11. Can’t go outside without it.

It’s part of the routine.


Almost every morning my puppy likes to grab a toy and take it to go potty. It’s the cutest thing ever!
byu/rileighvaldez inaww

12. Growing up together.

Dobby will have this one forever.

A year later and 12 pounds heavier, it’s still Dobby’s favorite toy.
byu/PaleBlueDot_23 inaww


Aren’t those adorable?

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, share some photos of your pets with their favorite toys.

We can’t wait to meet them!

