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People Shared Their Hilariously Epic Cooking Fails and They’re Something to Behold

Oh, boy…this is not good. Not good at all…

What you’re about to see might cause you to experience a range of emotions. You’ll probably laugh, you might cry, and you’ll most likely cringe and shake your head in disgust.

Because these photos of cooking and baking fails are not pretty…

Let’s take a look at the damage that took place inside these kitchens. You’ve been warned.

1. The absolute worst.

Looks like you’re gonna be working a little overtime tonight.

2. The stuff nightmares are made of.

Never try that again!

3. What a fun hobby!

Hmmm, nice try on that one.

4. It was obviously a great holiday!

The perfect texture, I think.

5. Looks like something out of a horror movie.

This is pretty scary.

6. Didn’t work out so well.

Better luck next time.

7. Have a Corona Cake!

Actually, you should trademark that.

8. Totally and completely defeated.

You gave it your best shot…

9. It looks like something else.

I just can’t put my finger on it…

10. This is outrageously bad.

But we commend you for trying!

11. Lucky the house didn’t burn down.

Gotta be careful with fire!

12. Is that a dead dinosaur?

That’s kind of what it looks like to me…just saying…

13. The perfect pairing.

You are a wizard in the kitchen!

Maybe those people should stay away from the kitchen for a while…just a thought.

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about your worst cooking or baking fail. And share some photos too if you have them! Thanks!

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