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People Share Tweets So Funny You Might Jump for Joy

You might as well jump, JUMP!

Man, now I really want to listen to some Van Halen…

But instead of doing that, we’re going to enjoy and then laugh at some hilarious tweets from the wordsmiths out there on Twitter. And there are a whole lot of them, trust me…

So are you ready to jump for joy AND get your laugh on?

Let’s get it going right this instant!

1. This is a universal mom thing.

I know I’ve seen it on many occasions.

2. This is the most accurate tweet I’ve ever seen.

You know it’s true!

3. Those folks are in for a surprise.

Never heard of something like this before.

4. A little paranoid, are we?

Am I dying? What is this?

5. That is infuriating.

Just throw the whole thing away.

6. What do you think?

Now you’ve upset me greatly.

7. What are you doing on here?

Well, this is depressing.

8. I would be living in fear, too…

What does it all mean?!?!

9. That was a big introduction to this lucky fella.

Can’t wait to see the rest of him!

10. Classic Dad joke, right here.

Another zinger from Pops! Boom!

11. Seriously, that’s his problem.

I’m with you on this one.

12. That was a close call.

What’s that creepy sound…?

How about you, ladies and gentlemen?

Have you seen anything particularly hilarious lately?

We’re talking about memes, tweets, jokes, photos, etc. You know, all the good stuff that keeps us laughing during these trying times.

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks!

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