With so much anti-American sentiment around the globe these days, it’s nice to get some love every once in a while!

Even if it is about the funny, strange quirks that us Yankees have that the rest of the world finds funny and even adorable.

Hey, we’ll take it! Actually, we’ll take anything about this point…just love us, PLEASE!

Are you ready to see what these non-Americans enjoy about our culture?

Let’s take a look!

1. Not a functional necessity over here.

But we sure do like it!

2. Really? I like spirits better.

But that’s just my opinion…

3. You know it! We love it!

Dressed up to the nines!

4. Just ignore that second part.

I guess I never noticed before how much we do that.

5. We consider them delicacies.

You all need to get on board with this stuff!

6. Stop yelling at me!

We can’t help it. We’re loud people.

7. Keep it up, buddy!

Just trying to encourage those kids.

8. What are you talking about?

We need to start pounding red and white dynamite! How do you not know what I’m talking about?

9. We have to announce it.

Nothing wrong with that, right?


10. I did a good job today!

And I deserve a sticker!


11. You’ve never heard of her?!?!

She’s very popular, in case you haven’t heard.

12. It’s gonna be raining and cats and dogs today!

Isn’t this exciting?!?!


How about you?

What are the quirky and funny things that you like about Americans?

Talk to us in the comments and remember to tell us where you’re from! Please and thank you!