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People Are Posting Hilarious Photos in Response to “What’s Wrong With Your Dog?”

Boy, do I love looking at dog pictures! I really can’t get enough!

But these photos? They’re a little bit…different, as you’ll see in just a second.

Because these pooches were all going a little loco the moment their owner snapped pics of them…let’s just hope they snap out of it sooner than later.

1. This dog has seen a lot.

I’ve seen a lot of stuff, mannnnn!

2. Kids, don’t do drugs.

And dogs shouldn’t do drugs, either.

3. What is this creature that just came from the sea?

This should be the start of a new horror film.

4. Hey, whatever works, right?

She’s starting to get the hang of it.

5. I’ll just have a seat over here.

He’s watching all the action unfold.

6. He seems very wise…

And yes, he does sit in a very weird position.

7. Just taking it all in.

I bet he knows all the neighborhood gossip.

8. What do you think you’re doing?

You’re doing it wrong. Again.

9. Listen, we need to talk…

I like you, but I can’t get any work done. Ever.

10. Poor guy. He’s gonna be staring at that for a long time.

And with nothing to show for it!

11. Look deep into my eyes.

I think your dog might be possessed.

12. Just like a lil’ baby.

Feed me! No one would be able to resist that.

13. These don’t even look like the same dog.

Went through a total transformation.

14. An alien life form is now in your home.

Be very careful…

You know what we want next…

We want to meet your pooches!

Share some pics in the comments and introduce us to them. Thanks!

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