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Now You Can Ruin Your Cat’s Month With A Dinosaur Haircut

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Cats have done a lot for us humans as a species. Since domesticating themselves 8,000 years ago, they’ve kept our homes free of pests. In more recent years, they’ve become beloved household pets, bringing joy to millions around the world.

Is this any way to repay them? Didn’t think so.

The “Dinosaur Haircut” is a dubious new cat hairstyle that originated in a salon in Maha Sarakham, Thailand. It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like: shaving your cat’s fur so that it looks like a stegosaurus. Do any of the cats enjoy it? They do not. Should you give your cat a dinosaur haircut? You should not.

And here are 15 reasons why not.


1. “You and me? It’s over.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

2. “No amount of catnip will make me forget what you did.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

3. “They worshipped us in Ancient Egypt. Sigh.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

4. “Your new sofa is my new scratching post.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

5. “First chance I get, I’m going feral.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

6. “I’m never bringing you a dead sparrow again.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

7. “I am so crapping in your shoes later.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

8. “You’re lucky I no longer have claws.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

9. “I can’t even get excited for the can opener any more.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

10. “I’ve been so depressed, I can’t even chase a laser pointer.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

11. “You do realize that, unlike a dinosaur, I’m warm-blooded.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

12. “Oh, lion ancestor, how did we get here?”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

13. “Try and pet me. I dare you.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

14. “I don’t just hate Mondays, I hate every day.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

15. “First you take my balls. Then you take my dignity.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless



h/t: Sad And Useless

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