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Norm the Pug Is Very Photogenic and His Owner Knows It

There are a lot of great animals to follow on social media, and I think the guy you’re about to meet will be a great addition to your portfolio.

I’m talking about a hilarious and adorable pug named Norm who, as you will see shortly, is definitely living his best life.

He goes everywhere with his dad, who likes to take all kinds of photos of Norm enjoying the outdoors, chilling at home, or just mugging for the camera every chance he gets.

Are you ready to meet this furry little fella? Get ready to fall in love, people…

1. With his favorite toy.

Look at that face!

2. I like this one a lot.

He’s proud of his plants.

3. Getting out into the great outdoors.

I think he’s having a great day!

4. Get that camera out of my face.

Norm’s not in the mood right now.

5. Norm likes to get wacky sometimes.

He’s got the googly eyes!

6. That’s a HUGE smile!

He loves to get outside!

7. The king of the castle.

I think we know who runs the show here.

8. All wrapped up for Fall.

It’s getting chilly outside!

9. Ho Ho Ho! Happy holidays!

He seems okay with playing Santa.

10. Care for a turkey leg?

Well, go get your own!

11. He is just so handsome!

We’re huge fans, Norm! Keep up the good work!

Oh, Norm, you got it going on!

Now we want to meet your furry friends.

Share some photos of your pets with us, please.

Do it in the comments! Thanks!

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