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Need a Pick-Me-Up? We Think These Photos of Rescue Pets Will Do the Trick!

If you’ve been down in the dumps lately, we have something very special for you that we think is going to make you happy INSTANTLY.

I’m talking about photos of rescue pets who have found their forever homes and who are clearly living their best lives!

Oh yeah, you know that’s the good stuff!

Unless you have a cold, black muscle pumping in your chest instead of a heart, we think you’re gonna love every last one of these pictures of very good boys and girls.

Are you ready?


1. She stole your heart.

And now she has a new home!

2. These two will be best friends forever.

Hey, opposites attract sometimes!

3. I think he likes you, too.

No doubt about that!

4. Adopting a senior kitty.

She looks like she has a huge personality.

5. One step closer to his dream.

Well, isn’t this cute?

6. Welcome home, Arnold!

He looks like a very good boy.

7. This cat looks amazing.

Like a beast straight out of the wild.

8. Take a snooze.

You’re safe and sound now, buddy!

9. Her twilight years will be her best.

A new addition to the family.

10. Awwww. This is very wholesome.

Just look at that face!

11. You had to keep these two together.

And we’re glad you did!

Well, now I feel a whole lot better! No doubt about it!

How about you?

Do you have any rescue pets at home? If so, please share some photos of your friends with us in the comments.

We’d love to meet them!

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