If you’ve ever worked in a kitchen or you just enjoy cooking at home, we think you’re gonna get a big kick out of these memes.
And we also think you’re going to want to cook a big, hearty meal for your friends and family because you’ll be so entertained!
Lucky them!
Go ahead and get started!
1. Don’t worry! Trust me!
Uh oh…you’re in trouble.

Photo Credit: The Chive
2. I don’t know how to say it either.
Please pronounce it one more time.

Photo Credit: The Chive
3. I hope you’re hungry!
Well, that’s depressing.

Photo Credit: The Chive
4. Shot down in a blaze of glory.
I’d still eat it…

Photo Credit: The Chive
5. Like putting your face in a blast furnace.
Watch the eyebrows!

Photo Credit: The Chive
6. Gordon is not pleased.
And you’re about to get an earful.

Photo Credit: The Chive
7. Be sure to click the tongs.
It’s just the way it goes.

Photo Credit: The Chive
8. You know she can’t resist!
And you just made her day.

Photo Credit: The Chive
9. I’m not qualified for this.
Who am I, Guy Fieri?

Photo Credit: The Chive
10. You’re on the right track.
You’ll see results in no time!

Photo Credit: The Chive
11. You know you love it!
I love a good thyme joke.

Photo Credit: The Chive
12. Oh, the horror!
You can tell she’s not having a good time.

Photo Credit: The Chive
How about you?
Are you pretty handy in the kitchen?
Talk to us in the comments and tell us some of your secrets!