We all dream once in a while that we’re the boss of everything and can tell everyone what to do and basically never have to get anything for yourself ever again while you read books and sleep in piles of money (just me?). That fantasy is exactly the subject of Jimmy Fallon’s hashtag game #IfIWasInCharge, and I have to say…some of these future dictators have some pretty darn good ideas.
#15. I like it. It’s considerate.

Photo Credit: NBC
#14. Setting things right. A benevolent overlord.

Photo Credit: NBC
#13. Second.

Photo Credit: NBC
#12. Ain’t nobody got time for commercials, period.

Photo Credit: NBC
#11. Which would be everyone, eventually, because those who didn’t get chocolate first would BE sad.

Photo Credit: NBC
#10. Diet Oreos. Yes.

Photo Credit: NBC
#9. Comment unnecessary.

Photo Credit: NBC
#8. I don’t know where to start, but you do you, lady.

Photo Credit: NBC
#7. I mean. It can’t hurt at this point. Except my eyes.

Photo Credit: NBC
#6. A bit unoriginal but still, popular.

Photo Credit: NBC
#5. bye bye, Mayor de Blasio.

Photo Credit: NBC
#4. So. Down.

Photo Credit: NBC
#3. I am imagining it. And it’s glorious.

Photo Credit: NBC
#2. We’ve tried everything else.

Photo Credit: NBC
#1. Millennials are not going to like this.

Photo Credit: NBC