Being a parent is hard work, and having a sense of humor is key to enduring the ups and downs. That goes double for parents of small children, who are prone to crying outbursts at any given moment. In Japan, a group of parents has managed to find the funny side of their kids’ tantrums: by sharing the strange tear-stains that occur when a sobbing kid shoves his or her face into a pillow.

It started on Twitter, when parent @neeeek01‘s five-year-old son cried into a big green cushion. Once he got the crying out of his system, he pulled his face away to discover a mirror of his own face created from his tears.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The “tear face” has eyes, a shape approximating a mouth, two clearly delineated lines from the tear streams, and what looks like…eyebrows? That’s one intense cry session.

The Tweet spread around Twitter and other parents soon were sharing their own kids’ tear creations. One parent, @kievowmam even had a tear face in the same kind of pillow, available at Nitori, a nationwide home furnishing store:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Not only does that one have the eyes and mouth, it’s got a clearly defined nose which can only mean one thing: heavy duty snottage.

More and more parents shared their kids’ tear faces, because apparently every parent takes a photo of this:

Photo Credit: Twitter

This tear face was left on the carpet:

Photo Credit: Twitter

One guy even shared his girlfriend’s tear face. Based on the shape, I can only assume he’s dating a Predator:


Photo Credit: Twitter

It’s often said that great art comes from great pain, and these pillowcase tear faces are proof.

h/t: Sora News 24