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Instant Karma Is So, So Satisfying…Here’s the Proof

What do you think is the most glaring example of instant karma that you’ve ever seen in your whole life?

Go ahead and think about it for a minute…I have some time…

I bet that felt good, didn’t it? And it made you smile when that memory came flooding back into your brain?

Of course, it did! Because seeing someone get what they deserve if they’ve been a creep, a jerk, a d*ck, or a total *sshole always feels great!

So, in the spirit of people getting theirs, let’s enjoy these photos of folks getting some instant karma.

1. You’re not getting that job, buddy!

This is what happens when you’re not nice to people.

2. A very expensive mistake.

Welp, that’s what you get.

3. That kind of backfired, huh?

I’m sure this made the parade even better.

4. Don’t steal food!

Or something like this might happen to you.

5. This was a welcome sight.

Well, that’s pretty interesting…

6. The thieving hitchhiker.

Crime doesn’t pay! Ever!

7. Eat my dust!

Drama out on the water.

8. That’s not alcohol, sweetie.

Sounds really gross…

9. We all have to sit in traffic sometimes.

No shortcuts there!

10. Don’t park in my space.

Or else something bad might happen…

11. I bet those workers were livid.

What a jerk.

12. Well, maybe not so much…

This comment came back to haunt them.

How about you?

What’s the best example of instant karma that you’ve ever seen in your life?

Please tell us your stories in the comments. Thanks a lot!

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