Is food the best, or what?

You better believe it!


Let’s break down the basics of what I’m obsessed with: pizza, wings, tacos, Chinese food, Mexican food, Indian food…and yes, I will eat a salad once in a while.

And today we’re gonna celebrate our love affair with food with some great memes!

Man, now I’m starving…

Let’s get to the memes!

1. I think you overdid it on the bread.


Just an observation…

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. I have to disagree…

Grape juice is the bomb!

Photo Credit: The Chive


3. I don’t think that’s what they were talking about…

But we’ll just go with this.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. It’s been a pleasure serving you.

But it’s time for me to leave.


Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Bring the bucket.

Yes, THAT bucket.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. I feel this deep in my soul.


Are you one of us?

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Well…I’m waiting!

Is this gonna take much longer?

Photo Credit: The Chive


8. I like what you’ve done here.

Classy and elegant.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. I think the answer is YES.

Also, Tommy want wingy.


Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Oh yes, it can!

Don’t try to tell me differently!

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Nobody wants this.


So don’t even bother, okay?

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. This is terrible to see.

That poor man…

Photo Credit: The Chive


Are you obsessed with food?

Tell us about some of your favorite things to eat in the comments.

Let’s get wild, friends!
