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If You Love Super Fluffy Cats, You’re Gonna Want to Check Out This Group

Oh, boy, do we have something special in store for you.

You’re about to lay your eyes on some of the fluffiest, most majestic kitty cats that have ever walked on this planet.

I mean, what else can you ask for, really, am I right?

You know I’m right, so don’t even try to mess with me on this one!

What do you say? Are you ready for your huge treat?

Let’s dive head-first into these fluffy cat photos!

1. Sir Floofytail.

Yes, that’s what you must call him.

2. You can’t even see her face.

And that’s a good thing!

3. Oh, it belongs here.

Now that is what I call MAJESTIC.

4. Sorry for your loss.

Oscar looks like he was a great cat.

5. This will be a huge floof one day.

I can’t wait to see a pic in a couple years.

6. I’m in love with this animal.

Just sit back and take it all in…

7. This wasn’t an accident.

No way! This cat is blessed.

8. Just out for a stroll.

Take a picture, it’ll last longer.

9. This one is getting big!

And also getting fluffier!

10. Well, let him in!

He obviously wants to be part of your family.

11. Behold the Storm Cloud.

That is one HUGE cat.

Now we’d like to hear from you!

In the comments, share some pics of your kitties in the comments.

Do you have any huge floofballs? Or maybe just some shorthaired beauties that live under your roof?

We can’t wait to meet all of them!

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