If you don’t laugh, then you’ll cry, right?

That’s the mantra I keep repeating in my head so I don’t slowly go insane because, as you know, THIS WHOLE SITUATION SUCKS.

So we might as well just laugh at our situation (while wearing masks) so we can try to get it over with without losing our minds.

I think we can do it! And we’ll do it together!

So enjoy these tweets about our current situation and keep on keeping on!

1. You need a break.

And the car in the garage will do.


2. Can’t figure out the cause…

Don’t even bother trying. Just ignore it.

3. I miss you, favorite shirt!

Hopefully you can wear it out sometime soon…

4. That is incredibly random.

But I kinda like it!

5. Missin’ da club.

When do you think they will reopen?


6. Time for a home perm.

This is gonna be killer!

7. Deal with it. Eat it.

Done with the gourmet stuff.

8. That sounds depressing.

Bringing up old traumas.

9. That is VERY desperate.

But you gotta pass the time somehow.

10. You might need to talk to someone very soon.

Just a suggestion…

11. Things are getting weird over here…

Just try to stay calm…

12. No Shirt. No Problem.

It’s okay, no one’s paying attention.


13. I’m there, too!

I’m not sure what it’s called, though…

14. That’s not such a bad thing.

Wear your masks, people!

How are you holding up during this?

Are you losing your mind or are you dealing with it just fine?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know how you’re doing!