Okay, let’s be honest right now.

The news certainly keeps getting WORSE every day for some reason (no one thought that was possible) and we all need to have some joy in our lives.

I’ve realized I can’t control what happens on the world stage, so I’m just gonna VOTE and sit back and try to live my best life. And laughing sure helps out in that department!

Enjoy these posts because we think they will definitely put you in a better mood.

1. I don’t think Dad is buying into this.

Sorry, just saying…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. That looks delicious!

I need to get this recipe!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Okay, here’s the whole story.

Now we all have the background information we need.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Don’t ask me…

This is the correct response.


5. Just keep plugging away with a smile on your face.

Nothing to see here!


6. Well, at least you’re honest.

Been dating some real winners, huh?

7. We still have a few months left, so let’s hope so.

What do you think?

8. Hahahaha. This is good.

That’s a good lie, by the way.

9. Don’t ever say those words again.

I can’t take it!

10. I like to think it’s Option B.

Just seems like it would be more fun!

11. That’s all I have to say today.

And every other day, for that matter.


12. It’s amazing! Trust me!

And you don’t have to deal with another human being.

13. You guys aren’t getting along, are you?

Oh, don’t tell me that!

14. This is good.

The state of New Jersey coming through big time!

Have you seen anything really funny on social media lately?

Memes? Tweets? Jokes? Photos?

If so, please share them with us in the comments! Thanks in advance!