Although it’s not as exciting as it was when I was younger, I still look forward to the weekends.
The freedom, the time off, the ability to say, “I’m gonna do what I want, when I want for the next couple days.”
It’s the best!
And sometimes the best weekend is when you don’t do much…or anything at all.
But, to each their own. Enjoy these memes about the weekend!
1. Don’t talk to me.
Actually, don’t even look at me.

Photo Credit: someecards
2. This sounds magnificent.
You gotta love these kinds of weekends!

Photo Credit: someecards
3. Doing nothing is the new doing something.
At least that’s what I think…

Photo Credit: someecards
4. I’m really, really busy this weekend.
That was determined to be a lie.

Photo Credit: someecards
5. You were lying, weren’t you?
I knew it!

Photo Credit: someecards
6. This is not going very well…
Maybe try again in a few hours…

Photo Credit: someecards
7. You will not be partying in any way, shape, or form.
And you know that’s true!

Photo Credit: someecards
8. Listen to Bill on this one!
Is the man ever wrong?

Photo Credit: someecards
9. Just put it all off until Monday.
It’s the best way to deal with pretty much everything.

Photo Credit: someecards
10. Uhhhh, not a whole lot.
Just got some work done around the house…

Photo Credit: someecards
11. It’ll be here before you know it!
This dog is all of us!

Photo Credit: someecards
Okay, friends and foes, now it’s your turn!
In the comments, please share some funny memes you’ve seen lately that really made you chuckle.
Thanks in advance!