Some people paint their nails because they like how it looks. Other people paint their nails because they want to attract attention. If you fall into the latter category, you really can’t go wrong with Hairy Selfie Nails. Whether it’s the right kind of attention, however, is another matter entirely.
This avante-garde manicure is the brainchild of Dain Yoon, a South Korean “visual illusion artist.” Often using herself as her subject, her style is surreal and trippy, so it was only a matter of time before Hairy Selfie Nails happened. It’s well worth your time to check out her Instagram page.
Hairy Selfie Nails are pretty much exactly what they sound like. Yoon took five selfies of herself with different expressions and then painted them on her finger nails. To complete the ensemble, she glued strands of hair on each one.
Like most of Yoon’s work, Hairy Selfie Nails straddle the border between fascinating and creepy. See for yourself:

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon
Finally, here are Hairy Selfie Nails in action:

Photo Credit: Dain Yoon
Now, before you rush off to your local arts and crafts store to start work on your own Hairy Selfie Nails, you should know that you’ll have to give up certain things. Here’s a handy list of activities that Hairy Selfie Nails will prevent you from doing:
- Touching anyone for any reason.
- Texting your booty call.
- Eating Buffalo wings.
- Performing surgery.
- Playing “Fastest Finger” on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
- Picking your nose.
- Telling people “Talk to the hand, because the face don’t wanna listen.”
That’s a lot of restrictions. But only you can know if Hairy Selfie Nails are worth it. All I can do is present you with the facts. The rest, friends, is up to you.
h/t: Bored Panda