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Guy Blasts PETA With An Epic Twitter Rant

Maybe you love PETA. Maybe you hate PETA. Maybe you have no opinion! Whatever the case may be, you’ll definitely find something in this story to be mad about!

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, has been a lightning rod of controversy since it was founded in 1980. PETA might love animals, but it definitely has a knack for getting on humans’ nerves, whether it’s the in-your-face tactics, or just a failure to live up to its own ideals. Just to name one example, in 2017 the Center for Consumer Freedom investigated a PETA-run animal shelter in Norfolk, Virginia, and found that the shelter had euthanized over 1,000 animals.

But while the issues with PETA are fairly well known, they haven’t all been assembled in one place quite so…angrily before. Until vlogger Calum McSwiggan wrote a lengthy Twitter rant laying out his complaints with the organization.

Photo Credit: Rearfront

To kick off his anti-PETA manifesto, Swiggan brought up the animal shelter issue. Turns out the Norfolk incident is just the tip of the iceberg:

What does PETA do instead of helping those euthanized animals? According to McSwiggan, they blow money on shock-value messaging that’s often absurd. And of course he provided examples:

Then, McSwiggan took aim at the way PETA will often insert itself into a news story, seemingly just to rile people up. You might remember these incidents from years past:

Finally, McSwiggan brings up the most sensitive subject of all: vegetarianism. Or, specifically, the way PETA pushes that lifestyle (as well as veganism.)

Now, this thread got a LOT of attention–those likes and retweets are mighty impressive–and as you can imagine, people voiced opinions from all sides of the issue. Plenty of people agreed with McSwiggan.

But others felt that PETA’s shock tactics are necessary to cut through the noise.

Photo Credit: Twitter


Look, wherever you land on this issue, it’s probably fair to say that both PETA and Calum McSwiggan pull stunts solely for attention. And we, the public, give it to them.

And if we can accomplish that, what can’t we accomplish?


h/t: Rearfront

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