The list of things in life that bring everyone together is short. Puppies. Tom Hanks. Getting the whole row of airplane seats to yourself. And Girl Scout cookies. (Note: if you think you don’t love each of these things, think again. See? Actually you do!)

Part of the reason why Girl Scout cookies are so great is because they’re not just a delicious treat, they’re an experience. They’re only available certain times of year. The money you spend on them will help a Girl Scout troop, so you get to feel good about yourself. And they all have appropriately cute names–I bet you can name most if not all of them right now off the top of your head!


But what if, instead of cute, their names were more honest and descriptive? Funny or Die wondered that exact question, and provided some answers.

1. Trefoils

Photo Credit: Funny Or Die

2. Thin Mints

Photo Credit: Funny Or Die


3. S’Mores

Photo Credit: Funny Or Die

4. Samoas

Photo Credit: Funny Or Die

5. Toffee Tastics


Photo Credit: Funny Or Die

6. Tagalongs

Photo Credit: Funny Or Die

7. Savannah Smiles

Photo Credit: Funny Or Die



h/t: Funny or Die
