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Funny Tweets About Those Pesky New Year’s Resolutions

©Unsplash,Kelly Sikkema

Hey, don’t feel bad, okay? We all make New Year’s Resolutions…and then we blow it.

I know that every year I make great, big plans about how I’m gonna change my life…and it never really happens.

Oh well, I guess we’re all human.

Stop beating yourself up and enjoy these tweets!

1. Ain’t gonna happen.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. That’s kinda dark.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Good luck with that.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. I think you can do it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. A good point.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Doesn’t seem like it’s working…

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Check back with us and we’ll let you know.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Think you can do it?

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Just let it go.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Lofty goals.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. I’m following her lead.

Photo Credit: Twitter

We’re still in January, and I’ll say that I haven’t exactly been on top of my resolutions so far…

How about you? Have you been good about your resolutions in 2020?

Tell us how you’ve been doing in the comments!

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