Oh, you don’t know what I’m talking about? Well, let me tell you…

I’m referring to how many people are working from home during these unprecedented times…and how they’re learning a lot about their partners and spouses. Things they never imagined before.

Some of them are shocking, some are hilarious, and some must have scared these people…but let’s just chalk it all up to a learning experience, okay? And, let’s hope that these couples stick it out and don’t go running for the hills anytime soon…

Let’s take a look at what these people are saying about what they’re learning about their partners…

1. I never suspected this…

You’re learning a lot about her…

2. Why even bother at this point?

It makes no sense to me…

3. You’re freaking me out!

This gives me anxiety, as well.

4. Please explain further…

This is a real head-scratcher.

5. We need more straws!

Do you really want to be with him for the Apocalypse?

6. This does not look good.

Poor guy…now you’re against him, too.

7. Who is this man…?

Things are not heading in the right way.

8. It’s time to get back on Tinder.

Good thing you found this out this out sooner than later.

9. Oh…sorry about that.

You spoke too soon.

10. That’s incredibly annoying.

I don’t know if I’d be able to deal with this.

11. You guys are DYNAMIC.

Keeping it fresh!

12. Never heard that one before.

Please…keep explaining.

13. That last one might be a deal-breaker.

Ouch…not cool.

How about you?

Has working from home been working out for you or is it driving you up the wall?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts. Thanks!