Rainn Wilson is not only a hilarious actor, he’s also a dad. Wilson and his wife Holiday Reinhorn have a son named Walter, and Wilson routinely takes to Twitter to share the hilarious realities of raising a child.

Here are some of Rainn Wilson’s best parenting tweets.

1. Finger skaters.

2. You idiot!

3. No longer my child.

4. That will be quite a trip.

5. I’d take that job.

6. We are all following your lead!

7. He’ll be living in the woods in no time.

8. How old do you think I am?

9. See you in The Grave.

10. That’s kinda depressing.

11. Killing it!

12. You have a genius on your hands.

13. You’re doing it the right way!

14. Most likely…

15. Father of the Year.

Rainn Wilson is so cool, and he seems like a really great guy, too.

Do you follow Wilson on Twitter? What about other celebrities who talk about their kids?

Tell us about your favorites in the comments. Thanks!