Nerd alert!

And when I say that, I mean it in the most loving way possible, so don’t get upset, okay?

If you like your memes to be a little more sophisticated and scholarly, then you’re in the right place, professor!

Because these memes, while hilarious, are also steeped in historical whimsy and they will transport you to another time, far in the past! Or something like that…

Enjoy, friends!

1. Maybe if you’d shut up for five seconds…

Just an idea you might want to consider…

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

2. Is that a good enough reason?

I wonder if they’ve heard that one before…

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

3. Okay, buddy, let’s wrap it up.

I’m not interested in the quinoa, okay?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

4. It’s gonna be a long night.

Is this the ultimate buzzkill, or what?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

5. You asked for it, buddy.

You just had to be a wiseguy, didn’t you?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

6. That was an embarrassing time.

But don’t be too hard on yourself.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

7. This is one of the worst feelings in the world.

And that’s when the panic sets in…

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

8. Please don’t call on me.

This was always a tense situation in the classroom.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

9. You can’t have that!

Trust me! It’s not good for you!

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

10. Do you think they were being a little bit dramatic?

Funny how they all had the same experience.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

11. A little too much information.

That’s a huge red flag right there.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

12. I’m trying to say “just”, not Judy!

I can’t take it anymore!

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

Have you seen any really hilarious memes lately that made you laugh a lot?

If so, please lay them on us in the comments!

We will be forever grateful!