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Funny Brain Freezes That Resulted in People Forgetting How to Come up With the Right Words

©Unsplash,Eunice Lituañas

We can’t all be geniuses ALL THE TIME, okay?

This happens to me all the time. Maybe even a little bit too much…so should I be worried?

I’m talking about when you have an epic brain freeze and you can’t remember what something very common is called: like bread. Or fork.

Or that thing you talk to other people with…what the hell is it called…it’s on the tip of my tongue…

Oh, a phone!

Whew…that was close.

People talked about these funny experiences and we think you’ll get a big kick out of them!

1. Time for a check-up with the teeth man.

You gotta go every six months…to the teeth man.

2. That escalated quickly.

Paseggiliti. What the hell?

3. Sending mixed messages.

What are you supposed to do with this thing?

4. Time for the big laugh!

I love this!

5. Leggo that Eggo.

All of them sound very delicious.

6. Not even close.

But is sure is a lovely name…

7. It’s time for water on face!

You know it, you love it.

8. This whole conversation is a mess.

Get it together, people…

9. A portal to another dimension.

One you don’t want any part of…

10. This is excellent.

How is this even possible?

11. You made your point.

And you did it very creatively!

12. Let me explain this to you.

Do you know what I’m talking about?

It’s happened to you too before, hasn’t it…?

Hey, it’s okay, this is a safe space for you to spill your guts to us.

Do it in the comments and we promise we won’t laugh at you…much.


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