There’s trolling, and then there’s Expert, Grade A, Highest Level Trolling.
This guy definitely belongs to the latter category. He dressed up like people’s profile photos on Facebook and sends them friend requests.
I only wish we could have a camera that recorded the reactions of these folks when they got these in their inbox…
1. Nailed it

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
2. Helluva pic

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
3. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
4. Wow. Very accurate.

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
5. Exact replica

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
6. Perfection

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
7. Sup, brah?

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
8. Long day at the office

Photo Credit: Reddit,CasinoRoy
I enjoyed this WAY more than I should have…