I don’t claim to be any kind of fashion plate or anything, but I feel like even I can recognize when fashion is really going over the rails. You know what I’m saying?

I understand people wanting to be stylish, but sometimes, these designers come up with stuff that really blows your mind…and not in a good way.

To each their own I guess…but I think you’ll agree with me that these fashion fails are exactly that…FAILS.

Let’s take a look and see some catastrophes from the fashion world.

1. Mother Russia.

He looks good on a dress! As a karate angel…

I wonder what the thought process here was.
byu/Max_1995 intrashy

2. Really? Why?

And someone actually bought it!


3. This needs to be redesigned.

Don’t you agree?

I am racism?
byu/Turb0-Pad inCrappyDesign

4. Just in case there’s anyone out there like this…

You never know, I guess…

My girlfriend has a pair of gloves and all of the fingers are the same length.
byu/TheStaplerMan2019 inCrappyDesign

5. You’re gonna blow them all away!

This is…really something.

A dress for a very specific occasion. I just don’t know what that occasion is.
byu/GoFishOldMaid inpics

6. I don’t even know what to say.

All I can say is that I’m very sorry for this…


7. Those are not cities.

I wonder what country this is from…

I found this in the store. There’s only 3 cities.
byu/DustyBlu09 inCrappyDesign

8. Life isn’t perfect.

And neither is this shirt.


9. Just in case you grow hooves.

This is very creepy.


10. There was a terrible accident.

We’re sorry to report…

These jeans
byu/ClavicusNitrus inCrappyDesign

11. Be careful with that thing.

It’s very dangerous…

My old Assassins Creed belt, looks cool but punctures your stomach when you sit down
byu/agMORALZ inCrappyDesign

12. I really identify with this message.

And I know you probably do, too.

Like, eat milk.
byu/malgreezy inCrappyDesign

13. Care to explain this one?

I’m at a total loss…

…unless it’s for the kidneys to breathe
byu/shitoupek inCrappyDesign

Yikes! Scary stuff!

Have you seen any epic fashion fails lately?

If so, please share some photos with us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!