What you’re about to see will make you laugh.

No, scratch that…it will make you LAUGH OUT LOUD.

And I don’t know about you, but I need as many laughs as I can get right now. The world’s kind of bleak, in case you haven’t been paying attention…but hopefully things will start looking up soon.

In the meantime, sit back, relax, and have some laughs with us via these hilarious tweets.

Let’s take a look!

1. I think this was deliberate…

She obviously has a vendetta against you.

2. It’s not working!

Can someone please fix this for me?

3. They really aren’t listening to the scientists.

This was a super-spreader event.

4. You’ll have to put it down…

At least for the ceremony…


5. I agree with this 100%.

Let’s think about the environment, okay?


6. It’s all true!

Those were the days…

7. Don’t even bother at this point…

Hey, you gave it a shot.


8. The moment has passed…

This is always a crapshoot.

9. I’ve often wondered about this…

I’m glad I’m not alone on this one.

10. I’m tired of it!

Can we please move past this trend?


11. I didn’t even want to look at it.

If we’re being honest…


12. This is why you have to go to college.

Don’t argue with me, son.

13. Yeah, what’s the point?

All they do is slow us down…

How about you?

Has anything really funny caught your attention on social media lately?

Memes? Tweets? Jokes? Photos?

If so, please share it with us in the comments.

Thank you in advance!