Craigslist sure is a weird place, huh?
It can be very helpful and it’s a good way to find cheap deals on all kinds of goods…
Buuuuuuuut, it’s also chock-full of supreme weirdos selling stuff and offering services that are just…bizarre…
Spend enough time on there and you’ll be shaking your head so much that you’ll need to go see a chiropractor. Bottom line: you’re about to see just how strange Craigslist can be…
Let’s get weird!
1. You might need to put this back together.
“Some” assembly required.
Some assembly required
byu/HeathenMama541 inCrackheadCraigslist
2. This is amazing.
Just happened to be left here.
A bargain if you ask me
byu/thebombchu inCrackheadCraigslist
3. Does it work, though?
I’m willing to give it a shot!
Damn you, Coronavirus.
byu/KyserSoze94 inCrackheadCraigslist
4. I hope they find each other.
Read the whole thing. You’ll enjoy it.
5. This is actually kind of brilliant.
Do you need one on your house?
Fake wasp nest
byu/Subscrib-2-PewDiePie inCrackheadCraigslist
6. A lot of time went into this!
Impress your friends! It’s pretty unique!
Who wants some good ol sweater traction
byu/lil_nosebleed inCrackheadCraigslist
7. The famous Mario milk.
It’s pretty hard to track these down…
9. This will sell very quickly.
Stay as far away from me as possible.
Modern problems require modern solutions
byu/insufficientcreddit inCrackheadCraigslist
10. I actually kind of want this.
Take a cruise around the neighborhood.
11. Wow! How weird!
And it probably took a while to make, I’m guessing?
For someone who already has everything.
byu/yellowfang_the-cat inCrackheadCraigslist
12. I think this could actually work.
This guy must be raking in the dough!
I’d get punched in the face for $250 ngl
byu/cdauby0 inCrackheadCraigslist
13. Keep your husband or wife busy with this thing.
That way, they won’t have time to nag you!
Not having this thing in my house.
byu/elizabubblehead inCrackheadCraigslist
14. A great description of this item.
I’d like to meet the people who are selling this.
Now we want to hear from you!
Have you ever had any strange encounters on Craigslist?
If so, please tell us about them in the comments.
We can’t wait!