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Dogs Love to Sit Funny. And Here’s All the Proof You Need.


But, if you have a dog under your roof, you already know that!

And we don’t mean that in a bad way. We love our strange pooches as much as you love yours! Hey, they’re a part of the family, no doubt about it.

But, back to the weirdness…

Unless you haven’t been paying attention at all, you’ve probably noticed that dogs like to sit in very funny positions. Some dogs do it all the time, some only part of the time.

But the fact is that all of them do it at some point.

And here’s the evidence…enjoy.

1. I’m learning…

And yes, you have style.

2. The multi-level stair sit.

An old classic.

3. I’m impressed.

Big bonus points!

4. Oh, it counts!

I love it!

5. A popular technique.

Good work!

6. The mullet stance.

Always ready.

7. Oh, Seamus.

He looks like a good boy!

8. I know I can’t.

Very cool.

9. Best kind of sit.

Dixie nailed it.

10. Using your head.

Very innovative.

11. This is the work of a master.

Bow down! Or bow-wow!

12. The sploot.

This dog belongs in the Olympics.

13. A little less difficult.

But still…I mean, just look at it…

Does your furry friend like to sit in funny positions?

If so, please share some pics with us in the comments.

We can’t wait to meet these guys and gals!

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