When it comes to photos, the 1980’s are one of the most awkward decades. The outfits, the hair, and the “go for it” attitude adds up to photos that are as funny as they are dated. One couple was so inspired by this vintage awkwardness that they decided to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary with a 1980’s-themed photoshoot.
Steve and Danielle Van Horn of Ohio share a love of old “Throwback Thursday”-style photos people post on social media, and with their 10th anniversary just around the corner, Danielle came up with the idea for the shoot. Both saw a chance to showcase their goofy sense of humor. “I wear a suit to work most days,” Steve said. “Our closest friends know we’re goofs but many people outside of our circle don’t know us for being quite so silly.”
An 80’s-themed photoshoot isn’t something you just throw together. Once they had the idea, it took a couple trips to thrift stores to find all the costumes and accessories they needed. Steve had to grow out his mustache for a week. Danielle used her “naturally big hair” to come up with some 80’s-approved teased hairdos.
Once they were ready, they hired photographer Vanessa Hoffman, owner of Giggle Monster Photography, for the shoot. Not only did they nail the outfits, they captured the painful earnestness often seen in photos from the time. All in all it’s an awesomely awkward anniversary project.
1. Gotta have the laser backdrop.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
2. You knew there would be workout clothes.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
3. Jazzercise!

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
4. Let’s not overlook the excellent accessories: Steve’s neon hat and tube socks, and Danielle’s head band and leg warmers.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
5. Cloud gazing.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
6. Swingset? Use it.
Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
7. Pretty much everybody took a photo like this in the 80’s.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
8. Peekaboo!

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
9. Every couple needs his and hers fanny packs.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
10. They didn’t forget to take an “Awkward senior photo,” either. Crucial.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
11. Or an “Awkward prom photo.”

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
12. Steve, doing his best “80’s Heartthrob.”

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
13. A possible hover hand sighting.

Photo Credit: Giggle
Monster Photography
14. And finally, no 80’s photoshoot is complete without a classic double exposure.