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Cooking Disasters So Bad You Might Even Cry

Listen, I don’t want to make you cry, but I feel like you need to see these cooking disasters because it’s for your own good.

It’s like the “Scared Straight” of the cooking show…you’ll see things that will frighten you and you won’t want to make the same mistakes as these unfortunate souls.

And if you cry, so be it.

We need to do this and we need to do this NOW.

You may proceed…but please be careful…

1. A noble attempt…

But you failed miserably.

2. Ehhhh. Kinda close?

You did your best!

3. This did not work out very well.

And we feel sorry for you…

4. You totally nailed it.

Are you secretly a chef?

5. What am I looking at here?

Just go ahead and throw it out the window.

6. These are very sad, indeed.

Please shed a tear for what happened here…

7. Nice try, Mom…

But let Dad cook next time, okay?

8. Yes, an attempt was made…

But it just didn’t work out…

9. “They melted horrifically.”

Yikes. Sorry about this one…

10. Looks like a piece of sh*t.

Sorry, I had to say it.

11. It wasn’t easy, was it?

Well, you gave it a shot.

12. That poor cat…

Almost too sad to eat…almost.

13. An E for effort.

And an F for failure.

Let’s hope these folks get a little more skilled in the kitchen…

How about you?

Have you ever royally screwed up at cooking or baking?

Share some pics with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Thanks, fam!

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