You’re sitting there thinking that sure, this will be easy, but you might be surprised. Take a look!
#5. Can you recognize the object close up?

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you want to check your answer!
#5. A pencil!

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you’re ready for another!
#4. Can you recognize the object close up?

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you want to check your answer!
#4. A razor!

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you’re ready for another!
#3. Can you recognize the object close up?

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you want to check your answer!
#3. A lighter!

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you’re ready for another!
#2. Can you recognize the object close up?

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you want to check your answer!
#2. An apple!

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you’re ready for another!
#1. Can you recognize the object close up?

Photo Credit: Brightside
Continue reading when you want to check your answer!
#1. A cigarette!

Photo Credit: Brightside
Thanks for playing along!