There’s no getting around it: the world is in bad shape right now.
And while it’s important to stay involved in all the current events and to do your part, it’s also a good idea to take a little bit of a breather once in a while to laugh and relax.
Does that sound like a good idea right about now?
We think it does and that’s why we hope you enjoy and most importantly LAUGH at these funny memes and tweets.
Stay safe out there and keep on fighting the good fight!
1. It’s people!!!!
Just like Soylent Green…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
2. Please don’t!
Welp, it’s too late.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
3. That’s not happening.
Spending like a madwoman (or madman)…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
4. So ridiculous.
Yet it happens all the time.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
5. I never need to hear that again.
Are you sick of that term yet?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
6. Forget about the other stuff.
As long as I can look up to you…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
7. Do you remember hearing this?
You’re so mature!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
8. That’s all anyone really wants.
The three secrets to a good life.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
9. I’m working on this, too.
But it’s really not going very well so far…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
10. That’s very true.
Does lifting your drink count?
The thing I love most about home workouts is that you can just skip them and drink on the couch instead
— Broni (@mcbroni) May 16, 2020
11. I haven’t watched a movie in six years.
But I’ve heard quite a few of them.
12. Ahhhh, the good old days.
I don’t know if I’d call them “lucky”…
college grads are so lucky they have a legitimate excuse to be unemployed when i graduated college all i could tell people was corporate america didn’t want to see me win
— James (@CaucasianJames) May 20, 2020
13. This is a life hack we all need.
I learned this lesson the hard way the other day.
Don't lay down to cry in the shower until you're done peeing.
— Mike Primavera (@primawesome) May 29, 2014
Sometimes, a brief little distraction is a big help…
We hope that did the job for you.
NOW, let’s get all the readers out there involved.
If you’ve come across anything recently that really made you smile, please share it with us in the comments.
It could be a meme, a tweet, a joke, a photo, a story, anything!
Be safe out there!