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A Collection of Hilarious Memes for Your Viewing Pleasure

You know what’s so great about memes?

They never stop coming! And that means the funny stuff never stops coming, either!

It’s a win-win really, don’t you think?

Sure, there are a lot of bad things about the Internet and social media in particular, but those memes, they keep bringing the good stuff that makes us LOL in a major way.

So let’s go for another round of funny business and enjoy more memes. You can start…NOW!

1. The answer is a resounding YES.

Next question, please.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. It’s a totally different story.

It’s just like a battle royale!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Not quite the same, is it?

That’s okay, keep up the good work!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. You deserve some sleep.

You really worked hard today!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Alright, time to take a break.

Treat yourself!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. This is life in America right now.

Is it too late to turn it around…?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Are you sure about that?

You might as well risk it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. This is not gonna end well.

But go have a good time!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Tell me everything!

Pretty much the only place we can go right now.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Reliving my youth with these photos.

It was a glorious time…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. What am I supposed to be worrying about right now?

You know it’s something!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. The seniors just don’t care anymore.

Can we really blame them?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Okay, now we want to hear from you, friends!

In the comments, share some funny stuff that you’ve seen online lately that really made you laugh.

Please and thank you!

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