Picture a baby. Got it? I’m guessing your mental image of a generic baby looks something like the Gerber Baby:

Photo Credit: Gerber Life
But that’s an idealized version of what a baby looks like. In reality, anyone who’s spent time around babies knows that they can be wrinkly, hairy, and acne-riddled, just like the rest of us. Some babies even come out looking like they’ve already lived several decades.
It can be jarring seeing a tiny person who looks like they could be in their late 70’s. But it can also be hilarious. Via Bored Panda, here are 15 babies who look way too old for their age.
1. Just born and already losing his hair.

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. When you’re too late for the early bird special.

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. Nine minutes going on 90.

Photo Credit: Imgur
4. Yesterday he was nursing. Today it’s the nursing home.

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. He needs his grandkids to help set up the WiFi.

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. Can’t believe this movie theater doesn’t have a senior citizen discount.

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. When it’s Tuesday and your Social Security check still hasn’t arrived.

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. The store only had blueberry-pomegranate Ensure.

Photo Credit: Imgur
9. He hasn’t seen a blizzard this bad since the winter of ’56.

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. “At two days old, my daughter has already perfected the ‘Are they using my driveway to turn around?’ look.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. Tonight’s Blue Bloods was a rerun.

Photo Credit: Imgur
12. Three weeks old and ready for retirement.

Photo Credit: Imgur
13. He’s already mastered “pull my finger.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Babies today don’t know how good they have it. Try being born last week.

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. I’m pretty sure this one’s a real life Benjamin Button.

Photo Credit: Reddit
h/t: Bored Panda