When it’s time to party, we will party hard.
Yes, I’m quoting the one and only Andrew WK in the sentence above, but instead of a wild rock n’ roll show, we’re gonna party with MEMES!
And we all know that’s the next best thing, right?
Sure it is!
So kick back, crack a cold Zima (or your drink of choice), have a socially-distanced party with the help of these memes. Enjoy!
1. I’ll be in the AC all day.
Thank you very much!
2. This might make you sad.
He’s fallen on hard times.
3. Should we talk about your bathroom habits?
Do you really want to go there?
4. Guys…what’s going on here?
We’re waiting for an explanation.
5. This guy is an OG.
Get out there in those PJs and show them what’s up.
6. Oregon has some wacky laws.
The Wild West, baby!
7. You’ll get there one day…
8. There’s always a guy with an acoustic guitar who ruins the party.
Please leave the party, sir.
9. Getting close to the edge…
Just try to keep it together, okay?
10. This looks delicious!
Oh wait…maybe not so much…
11. Don’t look at me!
Some people are REALLY bad at this.
12. Just keep repeating this over and over…
Until they stop talking…
13. Christopher Walken is all of us right now.
Oh boy…
Now we want to hear from you.
Yeah, you!
In the comments, share some funny stuff that you’ve seen lately on social media.
We can’t wait for you to make us laugh!