Sometimes I see a food recipe so bad I genuinely think the person making it had to be on some serious drugs.

These are 9 such examples.


1. Is it a happy birthday, bowler? Is it?

Photo Credit: Flashbak

2. Whatever they’re serving, I’m not eating.

Photo Credit: Flashbak

3. I always like some milk in my beef!


Photo Credit: Flashbak

4. Cheez loueez…

Photo Credit: Flashbak

5. That doesn’t sound bad in theory, but this execution is deadly.

Photo Credit: Flashbak


6. A meal-in-a-mold just isn’t a meal-in-a-mold without the tangy zip…

Photo Credit: Flashbak

7. There’s something inherently wrong with the words “salad” and “cream” side by side.

Photo Credit: Flashbak

8. What was with all the gelatin back in the day?


Photo Credit: Flashbak

9. It’s actually quite simple to hate!

Photo Credit: Flashbak
