Anyone who’s ever marathoned a season of America’s Next Top Model knows the basics of how to put high-end fashion on display. Whether it’s our runway walk or our “smize-ing,” we’ve all prettied ourselves up to practice in the mirror before a night out – don’t deny it!
Unfortunately, in the age of the selfie, it’s a little tricky to tell what all of that will look like when we hand off the camera to a makeshift-photog friend. Photoshop can fix a wrinkle or blemish here and there, but there’s not much it can do if your body takes on the form of an exotic animal desperately searching for a mate. Take a gander at these shots and decide which of the models that stands before you will have to return to the loft, pack up their things, and go home.*
Spoiler alert: probably all of them.
1. Are We Out Of The Woods Yet? Because I Have To Go.

Photo Source: Sad And Useless
2. Foot Fell Asleep?
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
3. You Could’ve Been a Contender (With the Right Pair of Pumps)
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
4. This Look Will Have You Falling Heels Over Head!
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
5. They Told Her They’d Photoshop Her Onto a Bike (They Lied)
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
6. Now, Why Would Anyone Throw That Away?
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
7. A Leather Look That Says “No One Tells Me OR My Limbs What To Do!”
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
8. They Told Her Modeling Would Make It Rain, but This Is All She Got
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
9. No One Stands In Between Her and Her Leggings!
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
10. If There’s Ever a Broadway Musical About the US Postal Service…
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
11. She Struggles to Keep Her Modeling Career Afloat
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
12. He Couldn’t Choose Between a Bow or a Curtsy, So He Angrily Did Both
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
13. “Elvis Has Left The Building but I Will NEVER Leave This Moldy Alleyway!”
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
14. You…You Know You Can Sit On That Chair, Right?
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
15. I’ve Heard of Bands Splitting Up But This Is Ridiculous!
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
16. She Knew It Would Be a Hot Photo Shoot So She Drank Plenty of Water. Now She Pays the Price.
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
17. These Boots Weren’t Made For Walking, So This is Just What She’ll Do
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
18. If You Want a Necklace That Doubles as a Leash, Have I Got The Thing For You!
Photo Source: Sad And Useless
h/t: Sad and Useless